Peter Vennemann

Introduction CV Velomobile FLOSS OER PIV




I am a mechanical engineer working as a professor for applied electricity and heat generation at the Münster University of Applied Sciences. My professional background is mainly fluid mechanics (particle image velocimetry) and energy engineering (hydro and wind power). Visit my profile at FH Münster.

Currently, I am particularly interested in energy system modelling and optimisation. I am especially driven by the question of how we can supply ourselves with electricity and heat in the future without continuing to exploit fossil fuel. More information can be found on the page of my research team. I especially recommend to have a look at our modelling software.


I spend a lot of time with my family and friends. Apart from that, perhaps my enthusiasm for cycling, especially velomobiling, may be of interest to one or two people. Check out my blog about my Sinner Mango.


I am a fan of Linux and free/libre open source software (FLOSS), because my data belongs to me and tech companies shouldn't have control over it. And I like the concept of open educational resources (OER) and open science. If you are interested, read my blog about my user experience with open source software, find a list of OER resources or check out my repositories at Github or Gitlab (FH Münster), especially JPIV, OpenPivGui and SPAS.

Social Networks

You may meet me at Mastodon or at LinkedIn.


And every now and then, I like to scribble a quick sketch, like the ones at the top of the page.

Author: Peter Vennemann
