
since 2013

professor for renewable electricity generation
Münster - University of Applied Sciences -
Faculty of Energy · Buildings · Environment
Stegerwaldstr. 39
48565 Steinfurt
personal profile at the Münster University of Applied Sciences

2007 - 2013

RWE-Power AG, Essen, hydro power generation
P Vennemann
Ausgleichsenergie - Perspektiven für Pumpspeicher
Wasserwirtschaft 10:38-41, 2011
(download pdf-file)
P Vennemann, K H Gruber, J U Haaheim, A Kunsch, H P Sistenich, and H R Thöni
Pumped storage plants - Status and perspectives
VGB PowerTech 4:32-38, 2011
(download pdf-file)
P Vennemann, L Thiel, and H-Ch Funke
Pumped Storage Plants in the Future Power Supply System
VGB PowerTech 1/2:44-49, 2010
(download pdf-file)

2003 - 2007


Delft Technical University,
Lab. for Aero- and Hydrodynamics,
The Netherlands
PhD thesis:
Particle Image Velocimetry
for Microscale Blood Flow Measurement
(download pdf-file from

Please refer to my personal homepage at the TU Delft for a complete list of publications and for further information about this project.

2002 - 2003


Universität Duisburg-Essen,
Lehrstuhl für Strömungslehre
Modelluntersuchungen zur Bestimmung des Volumenstroms
in systemisch-pulmonalen arteriellen Shunts
P Vennemann, M Montag, F Peters and W Merzkirch
Computer Aided Approximation of Flow Rate Through Systemic-Pulmonary Arterial Shunts (SPAS)
Biomedical Engineering, in press, 2012

visit project page

1996 - 2002

Universität Duisburg-Essen
mechanical engineering study


Lehrstuhl für Strömungslehre
diploma thesis in mechanical engineering:
Simulation und experimentelle Überprüfung
der homogenen Tropfenkondensation und -verdampfung
in einer zylindrischen Kammer
(download pdf-file)


Lehrstuhl für Strömungslehre
second semester paper:
Erzeugung eines pulsenden Fluidstromes
zur experimentellen Untersuchung
von Lungenfisteln
(download pdf-file)


Heriot Watt University,
Fluid Loading and Instrumentation Centre,
Edinburgh, UK
first semester paper:
Topographical Measurements of Water Waves at a Matrix of Measuring Points
(download pdf-file)

1995 - 1996

alternative service in a Kindergarten

1994 - 1995

technical secondary school

1991 - 1994

apprenticeship as a heating mechanic

1985 - 1991

secondary school